> Nomadic at Puso: My Reflection on the Book, “3 Things Successful People Do” by John Maxwell

Sunday, February 14, 2021

My Reflection on the Book, “3 Things Successful People Do” by John Maxwell

February 6, 2021 

Goals may give focus, but dreams give power. – John Maxwell

credits to owner: BestQuotesofTheDay

I am almost done reading this book and I’m happy! First done book for the year. Yey! I am also eager to apply it in my daily life.

Reaching our goal in life - which is to be successful in whatever path we choose, will never be easy. There will be a lot of challenges along the way. We will quit, we will restart again, we will fail, we will succeed. That’s all part of life. 

Here are my take-aways after reading the book: 

Know Your Purpose. This is so important to have our direction or so called road map in life. This will also lead us to our goals or our target to achieve. Knowing our true self will definitely let us also know or discover what our purposes are. 

Your Purpose will lead you to your dreams then goals. Once we establish our purpose, we will begin to build our dreams. And to reach our dreams, we will set goals. 

Plan to reach your goals. Setting little plans will help us reach our goals. Like in basketball, our goal is to shoot the ball in the basket ring. Plans will be the process on how we will be able to shoot it. 

Put action into your plans.  Personally, I love writing down my plans then checking it one by one if I was able to do it. it may be a daily or weekly or even monthly basis. It all depends on you. The most important thing is you do it, you tick check your list. 

About Fear and Failures. Fear and Failures are just detours along your journey. Don’t let it stop you from moving forward towards your destination. Fear will always be felt when we are not comfortable. Failure doesn’t define us but our ability to go up and do it again. 

Good attitude leads you to success. Next are skills and talent. 

Build a strong relationship with your family. No matter how successful you will be in life, if you are alone, it’s nonsense. Tag along your family and closest people whom you trust on your journey. 

Take worthy people with you. Learn with them. Help them as you go up along. I personally define this as they say, ‘Pay it forward’. When you’re already there, share it with deserving people. Blessings are better when shared. When someone helps you, help others as well even though it was yourself who helped you.

One Hour Everyday. Allot at least one hour to do for your self improvement. Success has sacrifices.

There is growth in changes. 

Mentioned above were just a few of the things we can learn from this book and I highly recommend this to people who at some time were feeling lost in life, like me. 

One of my goals in life is self development. I still want to learn more and be better as I’m still searching for my true purpose in life. This book is a great help.  

After reading the book, here’s a checklist that I want to do as an application of what I learned from the book.

My To Do List after reading the book: 

> Collect and reflect worthy quotes from the books I read. 

> Give myself at least one hour a day to study or learn things that will help me improve. 

> Embrace changes. Feel the fear but do it anyway. There is growth and learning in every failure.

> Establish plans to reach our goals. And stick to it. 

Looking forward to reading more books as helpful as this.

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